
DRAFT 4The Viola Hermit (Coenobita Violascens)

Viola Hermits like Lily are sweet and shy in nature. She needs many hiding spots in her tank to feel safe. Moss pits, vines and other decor throughout the tank will help her wander without feeling exposed. She is easily startled, but very beautiful to look at. Because of her introvert personality, she prefers to surface at night. Violas will open up easily with other crabs their same species. Although skittish, these crabs are characterized to be very vocal at times, chirping away. She likes to hide in moss pits where it is nice and humid and prefers warmer temperatures that remind her of her home in Indonesia. In the wild, Violas can be found by the beach. They drink and swim in salt water. Violas also require fresh water to bathe themselves.


Viola – Ceri Tremblay

Violas have a powerful predatory claw. This makes her a strong climber and digger; she needs deep substrate to tunnel for fun or to de-stress. Lily is an agile hunter. She enjoys preying on crickets and isopods (rolly-pollies).

In comparison to other hermits, Violas require a diet higher in protein. Some of Lily’s favorite foods are octopus, shrimp, crickets, blood worms and a variety of sea food. Fruits, vegetables and leaf litter/bark/cellulose are also required for a balanced diet. Foods high in anthocyanin, carotene, astaxanthin, zeaxanthin and tannins, which are natural blue/purple/red pigment found in blueberries, purple grapes, eggplant, krill and cherries, which give her a vibrant purple color.


  • Violas are the most docile hermit species
  • Younger Violas generally are a beautiful deep red or orange color. They turn purple or dark blue as they get older.
  • Another identifier is their red mouth parts
  • Also known as Sunset Viola, Chocolate Sunset Viola
  • They favor fox shells, all types of babylonia, all species of turbos, murex and bursa. Violas are inclined to D shape openings.